Get the financial help that your business needs

What is EaziFunding?

EaziFunding is Eazitax’s grants, loans and asset finance platform, created in partnership with Swoop

It allows you to find business funding easily and save some cash whilst you’re at it. 

It takes the hassle out of getting the funds to grow your business. You can search from 400 suitable options for loans, equity and grants. 

EaziFunding can also help you save on your business costs like energy, banking, and more.

Simple and fast access to funding and savings

Access to finance opportunities across the market

Track your progress through online portal

A team of experts to manage your application

Be presented with your relevant matches

Spot opportunities in the funding landscape

Who are Swoop?

Swoop matches you with the best selection of financial products and services. 

They help business owners take the hassle out of finding funds from every source. They can also help you save money on business costs like energy and banking. 

As part of Swoop, you’ll get access to the best funding and saving solutions, helping you to protect and grow your business. 

They can facilitate funding by helping you to choose and secure:

You can also check your business credit score, compare business bank accounts and save on energy bills. 

Types of funding

We can help you access all these types of finance

Asset Finance

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Whether you are a private hire business looking to purchase more vehicles or a catering company looking to purchase new equipment. Swoop will be able to find you the best finance available with a host of lenders based off of your business financials. The lenders aren’t just the traditional banks, Swoop has fintech and traditional lenders and with their expert knowledge will advise and place your funding application with the most suitable lender giving you the best chance of securing the funds you need to enhance and grow your business.
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Cashflow Improvements

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Cashflow in a healthy business is vital however sometimes all it takes is a client to not pay or an unsuspected amount of growth can mean that you find yourself in a position where you have unaccounted tax bills. Swoop can help with funding your VAT and Corporation tax bills to the HMRC whilst boosting your company credit rating. Working with us as your accountant will mean we can help and advise when and how this can be suitable for you in an instant.
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Business loans

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Are you looking to expand your business? Need funds to help with marketing the expansion? Swoop can look at multiple options such as unsecured loans all the way up to the millions to make sure that you have the funds you need to expand and grow your business when you are ready to.
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Debt Consolidation

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Sometimes businesses find themselves with a catalogue of different debt facilities. Whether it’s to HMRC, or short term loan facilities. Swoop can help you get all of your debt under one agreement over longer terms to minimise the amount you need to pay per month. Swoops expert knowledge of the lenders market means that a dedicated member of the team will point your application in the right direction.
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Commercial Mortgages

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Are you looking to purchase a building or office for your business. Looking at all routes, traditional and non-traditional is vital. Are you looking to borrow against an existing property? Swoop has a dedicated team which will make light work of something that can be a minefield.
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Does your business have an innovative project that you need funding for? Do you need help with a specific project you are undertaking. Swoop has a grant tracker facility where they can search for over 400 grants that you may be eligible for. Contact the team and tell your story for the guidance you need when applying for a grant.
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