Autumn Statement 2023: What the Passenger Transport Industry Might Expect

This coming November, eyes and ears across the UK will be tuned in as Chancellor Jeremy Hunt presents the Autumn Statement 2023 from the House of Commons. In his speech, we predict insights and announcements that will have significant implications for businesses and individuals alike. For those in the passenger transport industry, several points of interest are expected to emerge.

Investment in the Spotlight

A core theme of Hunt’s address will likely centre on boosting investment to encourage economic growth. The Chancellor may make a bold move by making the full-expensing regime permanent, allowing businesses to deduct 100% of certain capital expenses in the first year. This change could be a game-changer for transport companies looking to invest in new fleets or infrastructure upgrades, as it could potentially lower the upfront cost of investment and accelerate expansion or modernisation plans.

Imagine an operator that’s been eyeing a switch to electric vehicles. The full-expensing measure could ease the financial and regulatory burden of this green transition, encouraging more companies to take similar steps.

Encouraging Local Investments

Post-Brexit, there’s room to redirect investments more exclusively into UK companies. Hunt may propose reforms to ISA rules to encourage taxpayers to invest their savings in UK-listed companies. For passenger transport firms, particularly those listed on the stock exchange, such a policy could attract more domestic investors and increase the capital available for improvements and growth.

Potential Reforms on the Horizon

While the Chancellor might not implement all reforms immediately, the transport sector should listen carefully for discussions on R&D tax relief and inheritance tax, as these could impact future operations.

The government previously signalled a desire to merge the UK’s two R&D tax relief schemes. Any updates in the Autumn Statement could be especially relevant for companies invested in developing new technologies, such as autonomous driving systems new tech or advanced safety features. Clarity on these changes could help firms plan their R&D spending more effectively.

As for inheritance tax, while a total removal seems unlikely, any reforms could indirectly affect the industry. For instance, if inheritance tax is lightened or reformed, it might free up more personal capital for spending, including travel. For the passenger transport industry, this could mean an uptick in demand for services as people have more disposable income for commuting or leisure travel.

Looking to the Future

Chancellor Hunt’s statement will be dissected for hints of what the government might focus on in the upcoming Spring Budget or use as talking points in the next general election. This could signal new policies that might impact how they operate, such as environmental regulations, funding for infrastructure projects, or even changes in public transport subsidies.


As November 22 approaches, companies and consumers in the passenger transport industry should be prepared for announcements that could reshape the landscape. From investment incentives that might help companies grow more robustly to potential reforms that could affect operational costs, the Autumn Statement is set to offer a roadmap for the economic expectations of the coming year.

It’s a time of anticipation and preparation. The smartest companies will be those that listen carefully to the Chancellor’s words, read between the lines, and plan their strategies accordingly to navigate the changes and capitalise on the opportunities that the Autumn Statement 2023 will bring.

Picture of Gary Jacobs

Gary Jacobs

Gary is the founder and Managing Director of Eazitax. The company was born in a room at the end of his garden in 1996. Gary has been frequently named the Taxi & Private Hire Industries 'Financial Guru' and is a regular columnist for trade magazines such as PHTM, Private Hire News and Pro Driver.

Eazitax are experts in the tax needs of the self-employed and the companies that they engage with. For 25+ years, we’ve made tax Eazi for companies in passenger transport, logistics and security.

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