Compliance & Contract Services

For several years, Eazitax has been advising businesses (main contractors), in ground and passenger transportation, logistics, security and construction on the growing number of issues raised by HM Revenue & Customs around the tax and employment status of their sub contracted operatives and drivers (sub-contractors). We also deal with self-employment issues leading to tribunal.

What Do We, Do For You?

In more recent times, the industry has also had to contend with the controversy surrounding the growth of the so-called ‘gig economy’ and the implications of being deemed to have engaged “workers”.

In response, and to protect our clients from the recent  tribunals and supreme court judgements, Eazitax is offering this range of tailored services and products specifically devised to protect  you.

From  expert consultancy with our Status Audit, and retained ongoing practical advice, to an  insured payment system offering total protection to you and a great relationship with your sub-contractors. We even run a VAT FRS rebate scheme meaning that the entire service is available to you and you subcontractor at no cost.

And if you already have problems in this area, we have industry specific mediation tribunal representation, by our expert legal panel, driven and supported by us.

Status Audit

We look at your business model, how you operate and the day-to-day processes you have in place. Part of the audit would also include a documentation review where we check all your documents from a compliance perspective, including your marketing literature, the website, invoices, etc.

Following this audit, we will provide a written report identifying the risks and outline recommendations, where necessary, to mitigate any risks going forward. A final report and contract will then be produced to be incorporated within your Due Diligence Portfolio. We will also train your client-facing staff and assist with the electronic rollout of the driver contracts.

Status Audit Retainer

On completion of the status audit, on-going support is available.
Many companies have external HR advisors, however if you ask them if their policy covers you for your self-employed sub-contractors the answer is normally no, this is the bit that they don’t cover or insure, and yet this is the most important part of your business.

Day-to-day status and general advice plus documentation and legislation updates which will include a check on processes and advice on the implementation of our recommendations.

Drafting or updating your documentation in line with the current legislation/best practice so that it accurately depicts the working practices of your subcontractors and does not compromise your defence in the event of an enquiry.

The Sub-Contractor Experience

Whether your sub-contractors are drivers, couriers, security personnel, builders, or construction workers they still need to see the benefits to them.
Easy, all of this is cost and work free.

We help you attract onboard and train your subcontractors.

They are shown a training video confirming their status and showing them the benefits of the Back Office Support, how it increases their income and helps their self-employed admin. We make their tax life stress-free.

We specialise in the VAT Flat-Rate Scheme (FRS), an HMRC created scheme that enables the self-employed to reclaim VAT. This provides additional income for them.
It doesn’t matter whether they are under or over the VAT threshold. To the driver it is just a benefit.

We do all the driver and operative administration meaning that for the subby, this whole process is effortless and worry-free.
The operative would also be operating as an independent VAT registered subcontractor.
Their VAT registration will demonstrate the commercial services being provided are a barrier from employment status challenges.

Every self-employed person must do a tax return and with ‘continuality’ legislation on its way, your workforce will have to fully declare and register themselves.

We make tax Eazi for them by taking care of everything. Our service is covered within the cost of their VAT rebate, so in essence free to the drivers.

Our service is run by qualified accountants, your operatives get advice, help and guidance from a team with 30 years plus experience.

Our services are client-centred: We are here to take care of their needs. We are leading lights in Making Tax Digital implementation and are cutting edge in our adoption of technology to make our client’s life easier.
We sort their tax, their way: with our innovative in-house app, and a ‘how you want’ attitude to client servicing: in person, over the phone, online, or by post.