The New-Look Eazitax

The New-Look Eazitax

I was brought up in a taxi family. ‘The Uncles’ only moaned about two things: punters and tax. One I cant fix, but when I qualified as an accountant, I vowed to show drivers the love their accountants never did.

We started Drivertax in a shed at the end of my Garden in 1996.

When I first started, accountants wore stuffy suits and worked in stuffy offices with papers as far as the eye could see. They rarely looked up from their paperwork and loved the numbers more than their clients.

In most cases, clients just didn’t get personal service. People trusted their accountants with their financial lives. In return, they were treated like a number. This horrified me.

No one likes doing their taxes. But I wanted to make sure that things could be as easy and enjoyable as possible. I made it my business to treat clients with respect, and we now love the fact that many clients treat as like old friends.

Eazitax Is Born

Over the years we have got loads of clients through word of mouth. At first, this was cab drivers, chauffeurs and all types of professional driver.. After a while, clients would refer friends who worked in many other industries including security, and construction.

The first thing someone would say is, ‘I’m not a driver’. So, we created new company names to welcome in our clients from new industries. Therefore Drivertax, Buildertax, Securtax and Ezitax became our brands. We still love the clients but its time to move with the times.

We’re consolidating Drivertax, Securtax and Buildertax into one name.

Everything will now be under the Eazitax name.

Your New United Eazitax

So to ensure no confusion and that clients from different industries are aware that they are being taken care of by the same company, all of our clients are Eazitax clients. It is important that you all know that your needs are important to us, so it will be a gradual transition.

From my perspective, the most important thing is that we

  1. Show you (the clients) love
  2. Make doing your taxes as easy as possible – even in difficult industries
  3. Give you the best up-to-date advice info and support

Thanks for being here for the journey so far, looking forward to taking you the rest of the way.

Kind Regards


Picture of Gary Jacobs

Gary Jacobs

Gary is the founder and Managing Director of Eazitax. The company was born in a room at the end of his garden in 1996. Gary has been frequently named the Taxi & Private Hire Industries 'Financial Guru' and is a regular columnist for trade magazines such as PHTM, Private Hire News and Pro Driver.

Eazitax are experts in the tax needs of the self-employed and the companies that they engage with. For 25+ years, we’ve made tax Eazi for companies in passenger transport, logistics and security.

We’re not just an app or software, we’re real humans on the other end of the phone. We use technology to help make your life easier but if tech isn’t your thing, that’s fine too.

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